Commercial Fencing
Ornamental Aluminum
Ornamental Aluminum Fence and Gates are available in a variety of configurations and heights.
Posts, Gates, and Picket Sizes vary according to the application. There are many more color options available in the aluminum fencing. Gates are available in swing and slide options.
Aluminum Ornamental Fence and Gates typically are offered with Lifetime Warranties against corrosion and coating failure.

Ornamental Steel
Ornamental Steel Fence is available is many different heights and configurations. Post size, picket size and spacing, gates, and ornamental tops are available for specific applications.
Gates, both swing and slide are available to match the fence design.
Fence sections are typically 8 feet long.
Posts are set in concrete.
Fence Panel attachments include security fasteners that cannot be removed.
Colors typically include Black and Bronze. Other colors are available upon request.
Warranties are typically for 15 years against corrosion and failure of the coating. All ornamental steel fence and gates are powdered