Planning for Your First Fence
Planning for Your First Fence
Hohulin Fence helps with planning for your first fence

Planning for Your First Fence


Helpful Tips When Planning for Your First Fence Purchase

Hohulin Fence wants to provide beginners with a few things to consider when you are planning for your first fence purchase. Many first-time fence buyers skip right ahead to the shopping phase. However, you should answer a few important questions before selecting and buying your first fence. You can eliminate a lot of hassle and potential delays by knowing answers to important questions before the project starts.

Where Are the Boundaries of My Property?

The first step of planning for your first fence involves obtaining a drawing of your property lines, commonly referred to as a Plat. Installation contractors will need to know exactly where to place the fence. A small mistake can create a major argument with your neighbors. Plus, your local city or county code enforcement agency may rule that you need to tear down the fence and re-install it. This can cost you a pretty penny.

Usually, you will receive a drawing of your Plat when you purchase your home. However, you can obtain another copy if you cannot find yours or never received one. Simply visit your city or county “Property GIS” website. From there, you can search for your property by address and make a copy of your boundary lines to provide to installers.

Where Are Underground Utility Lines?

The next step of planning for your first fence involves calling to get your utility lines marked in your yard. Once again, your household will get unpopular in your neighborhood quickly if installers interrupt internet, cable, gas, or electrical service by damaging unmarked lines. You can dial 8-1-1 anywhere nationwide to request to get your utilities marked. Operators on that line can route you to your local utility provider. In most cases, your utility company will send someone out within 3 to 5 business days to mark your yard.

Do You Need to Get a Fence Permit?

The third step in planning for your first fence involves obtaining a fence permit from your local city or county office that oversees building codes. Unless you live in an unincorporated area or township, you will likely need to obtain a permit to put up a fence. To make sure, you can look at your local city or county website. It should provide you with an answer to the question or a phone number to call for the department that enforces building codes. In most cases, you will need to fill out some paperwork and pay a fee to obtain the permit.

Do Local Codes Place Restrictions on Fences?

The next piece of information you need when planning for your first fence involves finding out if local codes place restrictions on fences. When you apply for your permit, the building code division employee should know this information. They can tell you if you cannot put up a fence over a certain height, of a particular type of material, or a certain style. Also, make sure to contact the head of your local Homeowners Association if you belong to one. In addition, you should check with your local historical society if your property lies in a historic district. These groups often place restrictions on what kind of fence, such as vinyl, wood, or aluminum, and what height you can build.

What Do Your Neighbors Think?

The next step in planning for your first fence involves talking with your neighbors about your project. Problems can occur if you do not let them know and they get upset about the idea. Irate neighbors making complaints or causing issues can create delays and threaten the safety of installation contractors. In some cases, your neighbor may offer to split costs with you if the fence benefits both of your properties. Many neighbors with pets can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement for a fence that works for both homeowners.

How Much Material Do I Need?

That last step in planning for your first fence involves estimating the linear footage of the fencing materials that you need. You can get a good idea by walking along your boundary line and counting with your feet. If you prefer more precise measurements, you can purchase a measuring wheel from your local home improvement store. In some cases, you can use a tape measure if the project involves only a small distance. Knowing the amount of linear footage you need will help you select the best type of fence that fits into your budget.

Planning for Your First Fence

Final Thoughts

Hohulin Fence is your trusted local source for fences and experienced contractors. Our company has served as a trusted provider for superior fence products and services since 1897. We offer the following types of fences:

Contact us today for any information you need for your planning for your first fence purchase. We provide free quotes and advice on how to make your project a success! Give us a call at 309-965-2241.

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